Sunday, September 28, 2008

this weekend

In some aspects this weekend has been great, I'll list those first.
Mike was in, and spent the weekend at our house, it was nice seeing him for the first time in about 2 years.
Elliots wedding was spectacular, the ceramony was great but the afterparty put the icing on the cake...
Loads of dancing, music and just socializing with friends and family.
The band, even though I wasn't with them, placed 3rd in finals and 2nd in prelims. And that's just great.

What made this weekend bad was...
Because I didn't go to the contest, I got put through a lot of crap by various people, and I've also decided that if band interferes with one more thing in my personal life besides my mom's birthday I'm quitting. And as for the big band junkies, well I really don't care. I know band is all you breathe, eat and sleep but I like being a teenager and just being lazy. I know Page stresses about "delayed gratification" but I think a HUGE part of being a kid is just being lazy, forgetting homework, staying up late and sleeping in. He also stresses about the importance of band, well I had to go to a wedding where people I haven't seen in years were attending. Because he always talks about not seeing his family, I don't think he knows the importance of family. So if he pitches a fit about me quitting, if I do, he can just get over himself.

Thanks for listening to my rant... about my WONDERFUL weekend.

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