Thursday, September 18, 2008


Really so far, marching season with the Henderson County Colonels Brigade and Guard has been pointless. I can't wait for the moment that I really start feeling the satisfaction of marching. This time, I'm hoping, will come this Saturday at Festival of Champions in Murray, KY. I know that I won't be the happiest one or the most presistant one after I feel this unsurpassable glory, but hopefully at the end of each week I'll know that it was a success spending 20+ hours on a concrete/grass field carrying around a 35 pound tuba.

Another thing I'm hoping to feel this year with school OVERALL is a better school experience. Last year was ok, but I didn't give my 100%, therefore, having a less school enjoyable school year. My grades weren't all that great, a lost a buttload of friends and made numerous self checks on myself, seeing as what I could do better this year. This year, I plan on doing my best, still working out the kinks, and being more friendly, yet again still working that out, and also trying to improve myself daily.

Hopefully that will make for a more enjoyable and more fun school year.

: D

1 comment:

Kat said...

I have a blogger account too :D:D:D